I attended my Tuesday night class at University, and we had a great time playing with K'nex! Yes, I said "playing with K'nex." These great little building pieces that my son has played with for years are excellent tools for use in the classroom for many disciplines. A retired teacher who now works for K'nex was our guest, and he came armed with boxes of these little gems. We built shapes, played games, and basically learned about a great resource for classes from kindergarten on up through High School. That is one thing that I do like about being "forced" for further my education...there is a lot to learn out there. For any of you who are classroom teachers, homeschool your children, or just have children of your own, take a peek at the
K'nex website for some great ideas to work with. You will not be disappointed! And yes...they will easily tie into your state standards!
And for your scrappy gals out there, I do finally have a layout to share. I have not been sharing too much lately because most of my layouts are saved for possible publication (everyone seems to want "unseen" layouts these days, and I can't blame them) or for contests. But, I came across this one that I did a little while ago. I can't believe how different my Ryan looks these day. These pictures were taken almost 1 1/2 years ago. My little man is growing up so fast!
a wonderful layout as usual. Ryan and Emily are both growing up so fast. wow.