Yes, I am home sick today from school. I so do not like missing days of school. I always feel like I have missed so much when I return. I just could not get out of bed this morning. I was feeling sick all weekend like something was brewing. I had university classes all weekend, so I got very little rest. Last night, I felt wiped out. I slept terrible and was up at 3 a.m. sniffling, coughing, and sweating. It was awful. I got on the phone right then and there to call off. I knew that I would never make it. Now, I am lying here in bed (thank goodness for laptops). I have a feeling that I won't last too long, though. I am pretty tired. A mid-morning nap might do the trick. I can use all of the rest that I can get. I surely do not want to miss another day of school tomorrow. Now, I can only hope that my little buddy doesn't catch this bug!
In more happy news, I finally finished painting and decorating Ryan's Pinewood Derby car.

Thank goodness since the race is tonight. We are a simple bunch, so Ryan chose to pattern his car after one of his favorite Pokemon named Latios. I painted the car the colors of the Pokemon and added Ryan's and Latios' name for decor. It will have wings soon, but Dad has those at his house. It turned our pretty nice, and it is pretty fast from what I hear! Ryan is last years reigning champion, so he will need the speed to defend his title.
Incidentally, yet another reason to be thankful that your Mom is a scrapbooker: the words on Ryan's car were done using
American Crafts rub-ons! Love getting many uses from my ever-growing stash of scrapbooking supplies!
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